Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas is no time for excuses!

Do you find yourself saying, "Oh my goodness, I am so busy, I think I'm going to skip my workout; there's just too much to do!" It’s one week from Christmas and if you are like many people, you are feeling the crunch. Missing a workout might seem like a good option but think again. This time of year with the stress and all the holiday treats is the time when it is as important if not more important than ever to get in your regular workouts. Or, maybe you are travelling and you can't get to the gym or dojo. Let’s face it, the list of excuses for missing a workout is endless. 

One way to ensure you never miss a workout is to have a home program you can do if going to the gym or dojo is difficult, or impossible. Not sure what to do? Include a push, a pull, a squat, a hinge and a rotation or diagonal movement in the workout. Do each exercise for 10-12 repetitions. Repeat 3-4 times. Before starting, prepare the joints with mobility movements, warm up your circulatory system, and get started. Finish with at least 2-3 stretches where you feel you need it the most.

To make it even easier for you, the following is an example routine which can be made more or less difficult, depending on your level of fitness.

5-10 minutes joint prep
5 minute warm-up
    25 jumping jacks
    Straight-legged bear crawls

  1. Pushups with hands in close to ribs. Not there yet? Do pushups on a higher surface such as a stair or table.
  2. Lying on your stomach, drag yourself along the floor using only your forearms
  3. Ski jump squats: squat down with arms straight back toward the floor, stand up on the balls of your feet and raise your arms over head (keep your back flat and touch your belly to your thighs when you lower yourself in the squat). This exercise will work the legs, the hip hinge, and get your heart rate up.)
  4. Tripod: From table position (feet and hands on the floor, facing up), reach left arm across right shoulder, then right arm across left shoulder
  5. Leg throughs – squat down onto your hands and balls of feet, putting equal weight front and back; bring one leg through your opposite hand and leg to the opposite side; repeat on other side
Cool-down: Downward dog, upward dog (cobra), chest opener (place one arm parallel to the floor against the wall and rotate away from the wall).

That's it! Your holiday at-home workout routine. Thirty minutes and you’re done! Do this routine 3 times a week and cruise into the New Year feeling good and ready for your next phase of physical readiness.

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