Thursday, June 11, 2015

Psoriasis and allergy

Allergy is a grossly misunderstood condition that is rarely diagnosed. And it is becoming more common. It is related to environmental factors, food additives, diet, digestion, body chemistry, addiction, yeasts, molds, parasites and childhood illnesses. Very often, an allergic reaction manifests by releasing toxins through the skin resulting in any number of skin conditions from eczema to psoriasis. Being diagnosed with a particular skin condition is a first step but it does not tell us anything about why we have that condition. Taking drugs to mask the symptoms may provide relief but the underlying condition still exists.

The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown. However it is one of many conditions and diseases associated with leaky gut, a term which describes an increased and harmful permeability of the intestinal lining. Leaky gut is caused by inflammation. Once the gut becomes inflamed or damaged, proper function is disrupted. The spaces between the cells of the lining become enlarged, allowing large protein molecules and other substances to be absorbed through the intestinal wall.

Intestinal inflammation can be caused by any, or a combination of, the following:
  • Bacterial, fungal, viral or parasitic infections which create tissue damage either directly or through the toxins they excrete
  • Drugs
  • Allergic reactions created by foods, beverages and or chemicals in foods and beverages
  • Nutritional deficiencies created by diets high in sugar and refined foods
  • Incomplete digestion
  • Heightened exposure to environmental toxins
  • Stress
Intestinal permeability is corrected by following three steps:
  1. Rid the digestive system of all known irritants such as unfavourable bacteria, fungus, food allergens, chemicals among others.
  2. Repair the intestinal lining through proper diet, herbs, and supplements.
  3. Replace the beneficial colon bacteria with probiotics in food and supplement form.
Psoriasis is associated specifically with protozoal infestation. This type of parasitic infection is usually transmitted in the form of a cyst. The cysts are small, light, and easily ingested. Human digestive juices do not destroy the cysts. They are capable of infecting every tissue in the body and they have an intensely rapid reproduction rate. Protozoa generally reproduce in the intestinal tract and migrate to other organs and tissues or to the red blood cells. Those with weakened or stressed immune systems are at higher risk.

Parasites are one of the three most commonly overlooked conditions leading to allergy, yeasts and molds, and digestive difficulties being the other two. When these are removed or improved, allergic symptoms tend to disappear.

These associations with psoriasis are not definitive. Each person is unique. But these connections provide avenues for investigation when searching for root causes of this increasingly common skin condition.

Allergy is multi-symptomatic, and has no single cause. Allergy is an inflammatory condition in the body. If the immune system can produce inflammation and allergy, then the immune system can also correct it. But you cannot recover from allergy by treating one part of the body. You treat allergy by normalizing body functions. In other words, restoring balance in your body's systems.

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