Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Green smoothie of the month

I had some leftover home-made cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving and because I hate to see food go to waste, I decided to try it in a smoothie. (I should preface this by mentioning that my family had our Thanksgiving a week late.) The sauce does contain some sweetener, so I thought it would taste good in a smoothie. It turned out so well I just had to share!

Whenever I make a smoothie, it goes without saying that there are greens in it because that is my main purpose for making smoothies: to get more greens in my diet. So here is the recipe:

Cranberry-orange smoothie

2 cups of one or any combination of kale, spinach, Swiss chard
2 oranges
1 cup cranberry sauce (or raw cranberries)
1 cup water

Blend ingredients in a blender or vitamix on high.


Cranberries - good source of vitamins especially vitamin C, A, beta-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin and folate, and the minerals potassium and manganese
Very high ORAC score for anti-oxidants

Oranges - rich in fiber, pectin and vitamin C
Pectin helps prevent mucous membrane of the colon by decreasing its exposure to toxins as well as by binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon
High in flavonoids, calcium and potassium

Kale - very high in vitamins A and C and are a source of magnesium and potassium
Contains 45 different flavonoids which combine both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits

Drink up and enjoy the health benefits and taste of this delicious combination!

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