Monday, December 14, 2015

Motivated to be strong

I sometimes get asked what keeps me motivated when it comes to working out. Or where do you get your motivation? Because it’s not something I give much thought to, I have to stop and think. Motivation is an elusive quality. But I do know that my motivation is to be strong and get stronger, keep fit and get fitter, and ultimately get better. If that’s my goal, it’s a moving target, which is why it works well as a motivator. You attain it but never really attain it.

Recently I read an article on motivation and it reminded me that one’s motivation for anything comes from what we desire. My desire is to move easily and not slow down with age, to move myself, as well as heavy objects.

When it comes to fitness, we need to realize that taking care of our bodies should be at the top of the list of things we need to do. It is our one body, it is all we have. You cannot expect it to thrive from neglect. There must be intention.

If you think about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, our physiological needs come first, our basic needs of life: air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sleep etc. Once these needs are met, our need for movement and effort must be taken care of. Once upon a time this need was included in acquiring food, water, and shelter. Now that it is not we have to make a more conscious effort to attain even a minimal level of fitness.

If you want to know how to live a fit and healthy life, the first step is realizing that your functioning body and healthy state of mind not negotiable. It needs attention daily. The next step is doing one thing at a time until it becomes a habit, part of your daily routine.

Of course we all accept that life sometimes gets in the way. It is our job to rise above obstacles and move forward, to learn from these experiences but never doubt yourself. Challenge your doubts and ask yourself why do they exist? I find if I miss my morning workout, it is more difficult to get it done. I am not always motivated. I have to adjust and reset. Once I get started there’s no problem staying in the moment and enjoying the process because I know it is positive and taking me where I want to go. The workout is its own reward. Sticking with it, overcoming obstacles, it’s all part of the journey of finding and having strength.

Everything you do is a result of your choices. Embrace the knowledge that you are in the driver’s seat. Don’t just be stronger in spite of obstacles that arise, but because of them. This is strength; this is freedom.

Working out takes Effort and it needs to be repeated. Consistency is key, so keep at it. Don't have time for your full workout? Shorten it up. Doing something is better than nothing. When you are working out, give it your full Attention. Designate time and respect the process.

One last thought. We progress and improve by looking at what is stopping us from doing what we know we should. Looking at ourselves and seeing if we are making healthy, positive choices or negative ones. This is how we become motivated to do what’s best for ourselves and for those around us. Keep the right attitude for improvement. Start by doing and keep exploring until you find what works for you, and what you enjoy. Don’t wait for it to miraculously show up.

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for." That effort is never wasted.

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