Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Green superfood

Have you tried any of the green powder superfoods like super blue-green algae, chlorella, or sea vegetables? If you're like me, you find these hard to swallow, literally. Because it is so horrible tasting, I have two containers that are mostly full. Well I made what may seem like a small but significant discovery recently. I found a way to mask the taste! I had run out of green plants to put in my smoothie, so I used a heaping tablespoon of Chlorella powder and a heaping tablespoon of Raw Superfood Sea Vegetables. To the powders I added equal parts blueberries and raspberries, roughly half a cup each, I didn't measure. Also, I put in about 3 tablespoons of softened coconut oil. This made enough for 3-4 glasses. This mixture was pretty thick, so I added enough water to make it drinkable. If you like your smoothie thick like pudding, no liquid is needed. The result was not only palatable, it was downright tasty! I was shocked.

Years ago I used to take super blue-green algae in pill form. The algae was harvested from Klamath Lake in Oregon. It was amazing stuff. I never got sick while taking it and it helped improve energy during bike rides. But it became too difficult to get it across the border so we stopped ordering it. Thanks to the federal government for keeping us safe from health foods - not! However they did succeed in forcing us to spend our health dollars in Canada: Now I buy Chorella powder from Prairie Naturals, a product of Canada. It is organic and fair trade fresh-water phytoplankton. The whole plant is used to make the powder, but the cell wall must be broken down before people can digest it. The powder is made from broken cell wall chlorella.

The label advertises that  chlorella helps improve metabolism for maintenance of good health, but it does a lot more: Chorella is also used to increase beneficial bacteria in the intestine in order to improve digestion; and to help treat ulcers, colitis, Crohn's and diverticulitis, ailments of the digestive and intestinal systems.

People have used chlorella for prevention of stress-related ulcers, treatment of constipation, bad breath, and hypertension, as well as as an antioxidant, to reduce cholesterol, to increase energy, to detoxify the body and as a source of magnesium to promote mental health, relieve premenstrual syndrome, and reduce asthma attacks. It is also good for people with fibromyalgia. Chlorella can be applied to the skin for treating skin ulcers, and rashes caused by radiation.

Those are a lot of health benefits! What about the sea vegetables? According to the label, Schinoussa Sea Vegetables purple label formula is a synergistic blend of the world's most powerful super food, and is nature's multivitamin. Indeed back when I took super blue green algae,it was my only supplement. The product I have is known as E3 Live and contains berry antioxidants. The added berries are known to increase the antioxidant profile and reduce stress. Diets high in sea vegetables are known to nourish immune function, increase energy, balance pH levels, and support the maintenance of good health.

If you are not convinced about the benefits of these green powders, try them yourself in a smoothie as suggested above. Add your own ingredients. Making these smoothies with green powder a regular part of your diet will go a long way to keeping you healthy. And now you know how to make it taste good too!

Please make sure you read the label for directions before taking any green powder supplement.

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