Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Discovering new foods

Do you know what this vegetable is? I didn't until I bit into it. I got this white rather hard round vegetable in my organics delivery last week. I thought it was Kohlrabi which I haven't had much luck with in the past. Kohlrabi is a round green vegetable, part cabbage, part turnip. The skin is light green or purple. But when I cut into the vegetable I had, it looked purple, as you see in picture. It tasted like radish. It was then that I remembered requesting radish as a substitute for something else in the box. And that is what it was: Japanese white radish! It tastes really good. Like the traditional small, red radishes but not as hot. I was relieved as I prefer eating vegetables raw and Kohlrabi is usually cooked but can be eaten raw. I haven't tried it raw yet.

Radishes have many health benefits and healing qualities. They contain Vitamin C, zinc, B-complex vitamins and phosphorus. All of these are very effective in treating skin disorders such as rashes and dry skin. Mashed raw radish can be used as a soothing and refreshing face pack. Radishes are low in calories, cholesterol and fat. They also contain a lot of roughage and water. Because of its high roughage content, it is also very useful in treating both piles and constipation. Radish juice helps to soothe the digestive system and detoxify the body.

Radish helps to relieve congestion within the respiratory system, making it an excellent food for asthmatics and those who suffer from bronchial infections and sinus problems. It is beneficial for both the gallbladder and liver functions, as it acts as a cleanser. It contains sulphur-based chemicals, which regulate the production and flow of bilirubin and bile, enzymes and acids and also help remove excess bilirubin from the blood. This makes it an excellent detoxifying agent for the body. It protects and soothes the gallbladder and liver, while protecting them from infections.

Black radish in particular is highly effective in treating jaundice, as it is able to halt the destruction of red blood cells and to increase the supply of oxygen to the blood.

Radish's natural diuretic qualities makes them effective in preventing and fighting urinary tract infections. Radish juice helps to cure the burning feeling during urinary tract or bladder infections, as it is an excellent kidney cleanser.

Expanding beyond the simple red radish was my most recent food discovery. About 6 months ago, I discovered I liked sauerkraut. Of course I knew what sauerkraut was, but I always thought I didn't like it. Well I do like it and I also discovered beet sauerkraut is even better. It's red as you would expect and it's a bit more bland tasting than cabbage sauerkraut. I put sauerkraut on my salad. The primary health benefits of fermented foods such as sauerkraut are that they contain beneficial probiotics, digestive enzymes, and health-boosting nutrients. In other words, they are great for the digestive system.

Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of lacto-fermentation in which natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food creating lactic acid. This process preserves the food, and creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics.
Foods in this category include yogurt, sourdough bread and Kombucha.

What new food have you discovered recently? Adding new healthy foods to your diet increases your intake of a variety of nutrients. I encourage you to try something new from the produce section next time you are shopping.


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