New Year's is the only holiday when we celebrate the passage of time. As such it lends itself to thoughts of new beginnings, making improvements and of course, resolving to make changes starting now. Changes can be made any time of the year. There is nothing magic about the new year. Or is there? New Year’s resolutions offer you the first and perhaps the most important opportunity for remaking yourself. Think of new years as an opportunity to capitalize on this opportunity.
My New Year's resolution was to start a blog. So today, that was going to be job one. Now that the easy part is done, starting the blog, the challenge will be to keep it going. But every journey begins with a single step.
What about your New Year's resolution? How do you ensure success? I offer this suggestion: simplify! That in itself could be your New Year's resolution: to simplify something in your life! Why not start by simplifying your resolutions? Pick the one thing that will have the most impact on your life, your career or your family. Simplifying will increase the likelihood that things will get done, that your resolution will become reality because it allows you to focus on one thing.
Implement the rule of simplicity and execute until the resolution is achieved. What one thing will you do to make the next year better?
Here's to a happy and successful new year everyone!
Congrats on the New Year resolution success. The new blog looks great. Looking forward to reading your posts.