Friday, June 20, 2014

Mango kale ice cream

Today’s post is a short one as I am leaving for the Catskills for summer vacay soon. But I did want to share with you my most recent ice cream-smoothie experiment.

On a hot day when I get home from a ride, or sometimes halfway through, depending on where we are, I get a hankering for ice cream or a popsicle, or something cold and tasty. On the particular day in question, it was hot and humid and I was thinking about having a post-ride fudgsicle. But I decided to hold off and start by making a smoothie. Whenever I’m going away on a trip, naturally enough I like to use up all the fresh produce and have little as possible go to waste. (The house-sitter won't eat it!) I had a bunch of organic kale in the fridge, so I de-stemmed it and filled the Vitamix about two thirds full of kale. Then I added half a bag of frozen mango and about half a cup of coconut water. First taste test proved too green tasting so I added more mango. It was just the right consistency – it formed four mounds, which is the sign of good ice cream texture – and it passed the taste test. My own at least...

So I asked my husband if would like some mango ice cream. He could see it was green so he knew it was somewhat healthy but he was fooled by me calling it ice cream, but more so by the taste. It tasted cold, thick and mango-y. Yummy! After he was finished he said, "I assume that was mostly good for me?" I said, "Oh yeah, it’s made of mango and kale." He was flabbergasted. He said "you mean there was no ice cream in there?" I said no. So it passed the hubby test too.

You have try this one. I’m sure it would be just as good with plain water instead of coconut water, if you dislike coconut water. If you make this, let me know what you think. I think I’m going to patent this one.

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