Friday, January 10, 2014

Reflections on the week past

It’s Friday and it’s the end of my first week of teaching classes at Stronger You as part of my own enterprise called Fit Forever. After 4 days, here is what I learned. First is patience. Most new business ventures start slowly especially when you are relying on social media and word of mouth as your methods of advertising. On Monday I had one student who was already a member of Stronger You. And Wednesday I had one student who was not from Stronger You. I had one person email me about trying some classes but she did not make it on the day she had planned to. 

Meanwhile, my husband showed up all four days to show his moral support, which was really nice. He usually doesn’t like to go outside in the winter so it was a big deal for him to go out even on the coldest days and do my classes. He even walked there (and back) when it was minus a hundred. I learned a lot training him because he has back issues which we had to be extremely careful to not aggravate. He is still walking around so that part was a success. I was able to show him some mobility exercises for his shoulders (he is very rounded in the shoulders from spending so much time with his arms forward on the bike and doing bench press) and his spine. While he is helping me, I’m hoping to help him improve is structural alignment. I also introduced him to TRX training; I think it would be a good change from 40 years of weight training.

My original expectation was for clients to register for classes with the intention of coming four days in a row. And although it is early days, I already see that that expectation was unrealistic. I realize that people will come on the days that they can work it into their schedule and most people don’t want to work out four days a week. So I am going to adjust the program to allow people to choose the days they want to come based on what we are going to do on a particular day. From now on, Mondays and Wednesdays will be bodyweight exercise, and Tuesdays and Thursdays will be kettlebells or dumbbells.  

So although it was a slow week, I am optimistic about the coming days. I have 2 new people who have expressed interest. And I have one personal training contract in the works. 

 Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I hope to have some progress to report in the coming weeks. Meanwhile stay tuned for more discussions about fitness and nutrition.

1 comment:

  1. This blog post reminds me of how I felt and what I experienced while racing my cyclo-cross bike and really wanting to be at point Z when I was really only at point D... Marc asked me an important question "How do you eat an elephant?" answer being "one bite at a time". Enjoy the process of learning about what your clients want and what you can provide - it will happen and come together. See you Monday for class!
