Friday, January 3, 2014

Weight loss tips for 2014

If weight loss is one of your goals, include these three successful weight loss strategies in your daily routine:

1. Be mindful not only of the number of calories being consumed but the type of calories: quantity and quality.

2. Have some amount of physical activity: strength training and high intensity interval training are the best ways to rev up your metabolism meaning you can achieve a post-exercise after-burn of calories. While endurance training may be the best fat burner, it is not the highest consumer of calories. The workload is too light. The fat calories being burned usually come from your most recent meal, not from your fat stores. Unless you are willing to exercise for a much longer period of time, you are better off working out near the top of your fat-burning workout zone (between 105 and 134 bpm).

3. Be aware of your cortisol levels: when cravings occur or blood sugar levels drop, be prepared with healthy snacks rather than reaching for the easy, quick sugar fix. If there is a particular time of the day when you know this happens (say, about 3 hours after lunch?), be prepared with a combination of protein and carbohydrate such as cottage cheese, yogurt, a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts and seeds.

By the way, healthy sustainable weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. Remember, you want to shed fat not muscle. And water weight is temporary.

“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” ~Unknown

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